Carried John to the airport this morning he got off okay. He just kept telling me that we only had 5 more months to go. It's true, but it doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye. I'm a strong woman and that is the thing a military spouse has to remember. The love I have for my family keeps me going. John, Crockett, Sadie, Festiss and Lil Puss are my family and I have to be strong for them. I also love my family and John's family they have all been great and very supportive Thur all of this. I didn't realize before just how many people truly cared about me, I feel so blessed. The love God has given me I give all the thanks to him. He is the one who will help me get Thur these next 5 months.
There's also something I want to talk about that I read the other day. I'm so proud of our troops and their families. We have to have faith to see us through all of this. As military families we depend on one another for support. I read the other day that some spouses get mad when they see blog post where they say things like " we are going before the board soon to move up in rank or we are going on Deployment soon, and so on". They don't like the fact that they use the word we. Because it is the soldier who is doing all the work not the spouse. Well I don't agree with that and neither does my Husband who is a Staff Sergent. I went with him to the board for his E5 and there was a major there who was so impressed about my support for John. When John went before the board he said they all were bragging about me being there for him. He will tell people to this day that I helped him get promoted. We as military spouses are the one who take care of our families and are there to pickup the pieces when our husbands come home from wars that cause them to never be the same again. What they go Thur we go Thur with them. When they have to study for a school or work we are the ones there helping them to remember things they need to have to get the job done. We are the Silent Ranks that are forgotten alot of the times. But We have made the choice to stand by them and love them as much as we can. We are the ones left behind while they do their duty in serving their country. We serve right along with them. That's why I don't agree with the statements made. I am proud the be an Army Wife and I will always be an Army Wife long after my husband retires, Because That is who we are and always will be.